
【講師】: 周仁宇
Speaker Bio: 
  • 兒童精神科專科醫師;美國華盛頓大學文化人類學博士;美國精神分析學會(APsaA)及國際精神分析學會(IPA)精神分析師。




本課程共十六次,介紹當代克萊恩學派的重要著作。其中包含 Esther Bick、Ronald Britton、Elliott Jaques、Betty Joseph、Donald Meltzer、Judith Mitrani、Edna O’Shaughnessy、Herbert Rosenfeld、Priscilla Roth、Hannah Segal、John Steiner等人的十五篇重要論文。而當代克萊恩學派中最為重要的一位作者 Wilfred Bion則因篇幅極大,獨立於明年的一整個學期討論。


[09/27] Betty Joseph (1978). Different Types of Anxiety and their Handling in the Analytic Situation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:223-228
Transference / Counter-transference
[10/04] Betty Joseph (1985). Transference: The Total Situation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 66:447-454
[10/18] Priscilla Roth (2004). Mapping the Landscape: Levels of Transference Interpretation. In Edith Hargreaves and Arturo Varchevker (eds.) In Pursuit of Psychic Change: The Betty Joseph Workshop, 85-105.  
1.   Mary Target (Not Yet Published). Working with recovered memories of early child abuse: Setting aside the then and staying with the now.
2.   Irma B. Pick (1985). Working Through in the Countertransference. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 66:157-166
3.   Roger E. Money-Kyrle (1956). Normal Counter-Transference and Some of its Deviations. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 37:360-366
4.   Ruth R. Malcolm (1986). Interpretation: The Past in the Present. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 13:433-443
[10/25] Judith L. Mitrani (1997): Analytic Listening, Transference Interpretation, and the Emergence of Infantile Dependency: Do We Really Need to “Educate” Patients about Analysis. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 25:1-14.
[11/01] Edna O'Shaughnessy (1983). Words and Working Through. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 64:281-289
[11/08] Elizabeth B. Spillius (1994). On Formulating Clinical Fact to a Patient. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 75:1121-1132
1.   John Steiner (1994). Patient-Centered and Analyst-Centered Interpretations: Some Implications of Containment and Countertransference. Psychoanal. Inq., 14:406-422
2.   Ronald Britton and John Steiner (1994). Interpretation: Selected Fact or Overvalued Idea? Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 75:1069-1078
3.   Betty Joseph (1983). On Understanding and not Understanding: Some Technical Issues. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 64:291-298
Psychic Retreat
[11/15] John Steiner (1993). Chapter 1: A theory of psychic retreat, and Chapter 2: Psychic Retreats: a clinical illustration. In Psychic Retreats: Pathological Organizations in Psychotic, Neurotic and Borderline Patients. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-13; 14-24.
      Death / Retreat from Psychic Pain
      [11/22] 1. Betty Joseph (1982). Addiction to Near-Death. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 63:449-456
2.  Hanna Segal (1993). On the Clinical Usefulness of the Concept of Death Instinct. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:55-61
1.   Elliot Jaques (1965). Death and the Mid-Life Crisis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 46:502-514
2.   Hanna Segal (1958). Fear of Death—Notes on the Analysis of an Old ManInt. J. Psycho-Anal., 39:178-181
3.   Hanna Segal (1984). Joseph Conrad and the Mid-Life Crisis. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 11:3-9
[11/29] Betty Joseph (1975): The patient who is difficult to reach. P. L. Giovacchini (ed.) Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy, vol. 2, Countertransference, New York: Jason Aronson. 205-16
1.   Judith L. Mitrani (1999). The Case of ‘The Flying Dutchman’ and the Search for a Containing Object. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 80:47-69                 
[12/06] Herbert Rosenfeld (1952). Notes on the Psycho-Analysis of the Super-Ego Conflict of an Acute Schizophrenic Patient. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 33:111-131
[12/13] Hanna Segal (1956). Depression in the Schizophrenic. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 37:339-343
1.   Hanna Segal (1950). Some Aspects of the Analysis of a Schizophrenic. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 31:268-278
2.   Hanna Segal (1974). Delusion and Artistic Creativity: Some Reflexions on Reading 'The Spire' by William Golding. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 1:135-141
      [12/20] Herbert Rosenfeld (1987). Chap. 5: Narcissistic Patients with Negative Therapeutic Reactions. In Impasse and Interpretation. London: Tavistock. Pp. 85-104.
1.   John Steiner (2006). Seeing and Being Seen. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 87:939-951
2.   Judith L. Mitrani (1992). On the Survival Function of Autistic Manoeuvres in Adult Patients. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 73:549-559
      Projective Identification:
      [12/27] Herbert Rosenfeld (1987). Chap. 8. Projective Identification in Clinical Practice. In Impasse and Interpretation. London: Tavistock. Pp. 157-190.
1.   Donald Meltzer (1966). The Relation of Anal Masturbation to Projective Identification1. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 47:335-342
Symbol Formation
[01/03] Hanna Segal (1957). Notes on Symbol Formation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 38:391-397
1.  Hanna Segal (1998). ‘The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego’ — in Context. J. Child Psychother., 24:349-357
[1/10] Betty Joseph (1986). Envy in Everyday Life. Psychoanal. Psychother., 2:13-22
        1.     Judith L. Mitrani (1993). Deficiency and Envy: Some Factors Impacting the Analytic Mind from Listening to Interpretation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:689-703
        2.     Elizabeth B. Spillius (1993). Varieties of Envious Experience. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74:1199-1212
3.     Herbert Rosenfeld (1987). Chap. 13. Afterthought: Changing Theories and Changing Techniques in Psychoanalysis. In Impasse and Interpretation. London: Tavistock. Pp. 265-280.
Oedipus Complex / Depression
[01/17] Ronald Britton (1992). The Oedipus Situation and the Depressive Position. New Lib. of Psycho-Anal., 14:34-45
1.     John Steiner (2005). The Conflict between Mourning and Melancholia. Psychoanal. Q., 74:83-104
2.     Edna O'Shaughnessy (1989). Chapter Four: The Invisible Oedipus Complex. The Oedipus Complex Today Clinical Implications, 129-150


  • 這個課程的目的,便是提供這場編織的材料。在以半年為階段,總共四年八階段的課程中,希望能夠對佛洛伊德之後的精神分析重要文獻做逐一介紹。我們將在總計一百二十八次的課程中,每次介紹一篇。我們並不試圖要窮盡所有文獻,也不想推銷某種終極的整合看法。我們只想把這些經過好幾代人篩選後仍被公認為重要的文章,清楚明白地在課程中做介紹。至於最後會編織出什麼來,或許課堂裡的討論會有一些幫忙,但這終究是每個人在工作、督導、甚至生活中要各自完成的事。


  • 第一年上半 梅蘭妮‧克萊恩
  • 第一年下半 當代克萊恩學派
  • 第二年上半 獨立學派-溫尼柯特、費爾貝恩
  • 第二年下半 比昂
  • 第三年上半 結構學派 I-從晚期佛洛伊德到自我心理學
  • 第三年下半 結構學派 II-安娜佛洛伊德、馬勒、桑德勒、及當代佛洛伊德學派
  • 第四年上半 北美客體關係學派-寇哈特與肯柏格
  • 第四年下半 人際學派、互為主體、依附理論、心智化




  • 【線上報名】
  • 單元 日期 名稱 單元
    無名的邊界:當代克萊恩學派 A全系列報名
    • *不允許單元報名



  • 2012年9月27日起,每週四晚上18:30-20:00,共16堂。(9/27, 10/4, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20, 12/27, 1/3, 1/10, 1/17  其中10/11暫停一次)


  • 【費用】 全系列報名12,800
  • 1. 本課程開放台中、台南及高雄定點遠距視訊上課,遠距班學員報名後請來信info@ianalysis.com.tw或來電02-2708-7337確認。 台中上課地點:台中市青海路;台南上課地點:台南市崇善路406號;高雄上課地點:高雄市左營區富民路418號五樓。 2. 本課程與臺灣精神分析學會合辦,合辦單位會員優惠參與,惟名額有限,需先報名,額滿為止。 3. 以學生價報名者請於現場簽到時出示公私立學校有效學生證。 4. 本課程提供曾參與「在黑暗與死亡之前轉身:梅蘭妮‧克萊恩」課程之學員以「舊生優惠」價報名。
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  • 【學生價】 全系列報名9,600
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  • 本課程適合精神科醫師、心理師,以及護理、社工、職能治療等相關專業人士,更歡迎對文學、藝術、人性、敘事和精神分析有興趣的讀者一同共襄盛舉。


  • ※為考量課程銜接性,本系列課程提供補課,補課方式為線上錄影補課。為維持現場參與度,本講座每位學員將可獲得五次補課點數,缺課超過五次者恕不額外補課。

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  • 2. 報名與繳費:請於吾境思塾網站之線上報名系統報名繳費。
  • 3. 課程開始前,報名及繳費完成後,7日內可全額退費,7日後可退費80%。 課程開始後,恕不退費。
  • 4. 洽詢: e-mail : info@ianalysis.com.tw