這個爛工作 -Wilfred Bion

【講師】: 周仁宇醫師
Speaker Bio: 

這個爛工作-Wilfred Bion

這是Wilfred Bion生前最後一篇論文的開頭:「當兩個人格相遇,就會創造一場情緒風暴… 這未必是好事… 但既然已經相遇,既然情緒風暴已經發生,雙方或許會想要盡量做好這個爛工作。」他說的當然是診療室的工作,但這個宣言也包含了他歷經創傷的人生體悟:幼小離親、戰爭殺戮、喪偶、流放… 然後他說:「敢於覺察我們所處世間的種種事實,需要勇氣。」
1.   Catastrophic Change; Faith
−      Wilfred Bion (1997). War Memories 1917-1919. The Complete Works of Wilfred Bion (CWB) III: 1-310
−      Wilfred Bion (1982). The Long Weekend 1897-1919: Part of a Life. CWB I: 1-318
−      Wilfred Bion (1985). All My Sins Remembered: Another Part of a Life. CWB II: 1-76
−      Wilfred Bion (2014). The Other Side of Genius: Family Letters 1951-1979. CWB II: 77-265
−      Michael Eigen (1981). The Area of Faith in Winnicott, Lacan and Bion. IJPA, 62:413-433
−      Francesca Bion (1994). The days of our years. CWB XV: 91-112
−      Parthenope Bion Talamo (2000). Laying Low and saying (almost) nothing. In W.R. Bion: Between Past and Future, 20-26.
−      Carole Beebe Tarantelli (2016). “I shall be blown to bit”: towards Bion’s theory of catastrophic trauma. In Levine H.B. and Civitarese G. (eds.) The W.R. Bion Tradition: Lines of Development- Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades. London: Karnac Books.
2.   Basic Assumptions
−      Bion, W.R. (1952). Group Dynamics: A Re-View. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 33:235-247
−      Wilfred Bion (1943). Intra-group tensions in therapy. The Lancet 27: 678-681
−      Wilfred Bion (1946). The Leaderless Group Project. CWB IV: 31-40
−      Wilfred Bion (1961). Experiences in Groups. CWB IV: 95-246
−      Robert Lipgar (2011). Learning from Bion’s legacy to groups. In Bion Today, 317-329.
3.   Unnamed Dread; Attacks on Linking
−      Wilfred Bion (1957). Differentiation of the Psychotic from the Non-Psychotic Personalities. IJPA 38:266-275
−      Wilfred Bion (1959). Attacks on Linking. IJPA 40:308-315
−      Wilfred Bion (1958). On Arrogance. IJPA 39:144-146
−      James Grotstein (2007). Clinical Vignette encompassing Bion’s technical ideas. In A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion’s Legacy to Psychoanalysis, 98-101
4.   α; β; L; H; K; Thinking
−      Wilfred Bion (1962). The Psycho-Analytic Study of Thinking. IJPA, 43:306-310
−      Wilfred Bion (1962). Chapter 4-8, 14-16. In Learning from Experience. 8-19, 42-49
−      Kelly Noel-Smith (2013). Thoughts, thinking, and the thinker: Bion’s philosophical encounter with Kant. In Bion’s Sources: The Shaping of His Paradigms, 124-136.
5.   The Grid; Transformation
−      Wilfred Bion. (1971). The Grid. CWB X:6-36
−      Wilfred Bion (1963). Elements of Psycho-Analysis. CWB V: 1-86.
−      Wilfred Bion (1963). Taming Wild Thoughts [I]: The Grid. CWB V: 87-114
−      Wilfred Bion (1965). Transformations: Change from Learning to Growth. CWB V: 115-280
−      Joan and Neville Symington (1996). Myth and the Grid. In The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion, 45-49.
6.   Container, The Contained; Thoughts without a thinker
−      Wilfred Bion (1963). Chapter 9. Elements of Psycho-Analysis. CWB V: 40-54.
−      Wilfred Bion (1970). Container and Contained Transformed. In Attention and Interpretation. 106-124. London: Tavistock.
−      Wilfred Bion (1970). Container and Contained. In Attention and Interpretation. 72-82. London: Tavistock.
−      Wilfred Bion (1970). Lies and the Thinker. In Attention and Interpretation. 97-105. London: Tavistock.
−      Michael Eigen (1985). Toward Bion's Starting Point: Between Catastrophe and Faith. IJPA, 66:321-330Howard B.
−      Jose Americo Junqueira Mattos (2016). Impressions of my analysis with Dr. Bion. In Levine H.B. and Civitarese G. (eds.) The W.R. Bion Tradition: Lines of Development- Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades. London: Karnac Books.
7.   Negative Capability; Memory; Desire
−      Wilfred Bion (1965). Memory and Desire. CWB VI:1-18
−      Wilfred Bion (1967). Notes on Memory and Desire. CWB VI:203-210
−      Wilfred Bion (1977). Seminar 5. In The Italian Seminars. CWB IX:93-194
−      Previously unpublished supervision. In Levine H.B. and Civitarese G. (eds.) The W.R. Bion Tradition: Lines of Development- Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades. London: Karnac Books.
−      Wilfred Bion (1970). Opacity of Memory and Desire. In Attention and Interpretation. 41-54. London: Tavistock.
−      André Green (1973). On Negative Capability—A Critical Review of W. R. Bion's Attention and InterpretationIJPA, 54:115-119
8.   Reverie
−      Wilfred Bion (1958-1979). Cogitations. CWB XI:1-350
−      André Green (1992). Cogitations. IJPA 73:585-589
−      Levine (2015). Dreaming the patient into being: a methodology for clinical seminars. In Teaching Bion: Modes and Approaches, 93-100
9.   Self-analysis; Public-ation
−      Wilfred Bion (1975). A Memoir of the Future. CWB XII-XIV, selected
−      Book 1: The Dream. CWB XII:11-201.
−      Wilfred Bion (1977). A Memoir of the Future. Book 2: The Past Presented. CWB XIII:5-193
−      Wilfred Bion (1979). A Memoir of the Future. Book 3: The Dawn of Oblivion. CWB XIV:3-138.
−      Wilfred Bion (1981). A Key to A Memoir of the Future. CWB XIV:139-233.
−      Meg Harris Williams (2011). “Underlying pattern” in Bion’s Memoir of the Future. In Bion Today, 381-405
10.  Ultimate Reality O
−      Wilfred Bion (1976). Evidence. CWB X:131
−      Wilfred Bion (1979). Making the Best of the Bad Job. CWB X:136
−      Wilfred Bion (1970). Ultimate Reality. In Attention and Interpretation. 87-91. London: Tavistock.
−      Wilfred Bion (1973). Brazilian Lectures, São Paulo I. CWB VII:7-70
−      Rudi Vermote (2011). Bion’s critical approach to psychoanalysis. In Bion Today, 349-365.








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